
Sunday 26 November 2017

Tower challenge!

HELLO! Just so you know My friends and I made this about 2 months ago so it isn't recent work. But enjoy!

Friday 24 November 2017

Sleep tight P.T 5

Tom looked around. It was happening to the rest of his siblings. A sudden ear-piercing filled his ear as his siblings tears dripped down their cheeks. All different colours. Alisha's was black, Quinn's was baby blue, Elanor's was yellow, Sebastian's was red, Jassmire's was pink. What was happening. And where are they going?? Tom thought to himself "Okay, Great... Just great." Tom paced back and forwards. "Now i need a plan, Which way was Quinn talk about? Gahh, I need to learn how to listen. I wish they were here 😭." Tom turned to his left. Opposite side of which Quinn decided. Tom encountered the slim man..

How to make...

A BOYSENBERRY TART! Recipe from H.E.S cook book (page 65)
You will need...

-2 cups of self raising flour
-1 cup of sugar
-100g butter, chopped
-2 eggs
-1/2 cups of frozen or fresh boysenberries
-1 Tbsp icing sugar

Heat oven to 180*C
Place self-raising flour, sugar and butter into food precessor
Run the machine until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs (Looks like breadcrumbs)
Add the eggs and pulse to combine
Press 2/3 of the dough into a greased and lined 23-25sm cake or pie tin
spread the boysenberries over this and crumble the rest of the mixture over the top.

Bake 35 - 40 minutes
Dust with icing sugar before serving!!!


Thursday 23 November 2017

How to make...

A BANANA SPLIT!!! This is my personal recipe so all rights to me :)
You will need...

-A banana
-Vanilla ice-cream
-Chocolate syrup (Melted chocolate)
-Cherries (Optional)

Peel a banana
Make a slit on the inside of the banana
Fill the slit with ice-cream
Add chocolate syrup
Add a cherry on top!


Sleep tight P.T 4

Alisha flew in the air with the strange figure behind her. her eyes blooming with black tears. By a blink of an eye the thin man fled. Elanor and Sebastian were gone... Quinn, Jassmire and Tom rushed, Leaving poor traumatized Alisha. "Tom, Let's take a turn over here. It looks trusty." Quinn said "I think." She mumbled. Elanor mumbled something, then louder suddenly she bursted "SLEEP TIGHT." with a burst of tears. And off she goes.

How to make...

yes, yes it sounds weird but, trust me 😎
So what you will need:

- Milk
- Yogurt
- 2 strawberries
- 2 kiwifruits
- 1 banana
- Fruit juice

First freeze the fruit juice for 3 hours.
Smash up the PEELED banana, strawberries and PEELED kiwifruit.
Mix until thick.
Mix 1/2 a cup of milk with 2 teaspoons of greek yogurt.
Add milk mixture with fruit smash.
Cover with cling wrap and let it cool. If it dries up heat it up for 10 seconds and then let it cool.
Once your ice blocks are ready, uncover the dip and dip in your ice-block.
Perfection 😛

Food tech - Smoothie reflection

Today, Wednesday 20th of November 2017. We did food technology. It was our first time making something! And yes, we made smoothies. Its not really a food but do I care??? No.

The first smoothie Sky and I had had:
Spinach, Yogurt, banana, strawberry and  vanilla essence.

It was, Different. In a good way, it tasted alright. It had a tangy swing and a wonderful smell. If you are not a fan of banana this is the the smoothie for you.

The second smoothie was. Horrible. (No offense Garth but, It doesn't work)
It had........
Spinach, Kiwifruit, 1 single lonely strawberry, 2 slice of banana, Yogurt and Milk. Sounds nice? It is quite tangy but um, after taste just... no. Garth please, Get the spinach out of this town.

Facts about sugar!!

Here is Analises and My Sugar research. We spent a lot of time on it so please enjoy!!

Thursday 9 November 2017

Sleep tight PT. 3

Disclaimer: Sorry for the delay on this story but it's is back.

Alisha Wiped her eyes as she ran to the garden. Following behind her was Sebastian and Elanor. "ALISHA STOP!" Yelled Sebastian gasping for air. "ALISHA TELL US WHAT IS WRONG!"  Squeeled Elanor crashing to the ground. Alisha stopped and turned. She pushed Sebastian by the forhead causing him to fall butt first. Alisha opened her mouth without the words to say, She looked possesed. Tom, Jassmire and Quinn chased behind her. As the stand in position all jaws dropped.

Matariki haiku.

This is a Matariki haik Analise and I made. It is super duper fabulous and your going to love it. I hope.

Haiku poem.

I think i may have posted this but i'm not sure. This is a Autumn haiku.  Lets get into it Enjoy it, Love it, Share it.


I heard Analise say horse and so i decided to make this story about a horse.

Jamiea Gonzila Shantera Congshurutu Chang-chang is a horse who lives canada. She has 4 elbows, 69 eyes, 36 legs, 14 boyfriends, 19 girlfriends, 1 BFF, 2 friends, 6 Moms, 1 dad, 401 brothers, 599 sisters and 10,000 aunties and uncles. She has such a small family. Recently Jamiea Gonzila Shantera Congshurutu Chang-chang started university in Hamilton, New zealand. She went for one day, Then she moved to Canada the next day because she got bullied. Wonder why.

Counting to 15.

Ok since i'm such a pro i have decided with my old trusty friend Analise to count to 15, Lets do this.

2 4 5 3 1 8 7 6 5 10 9 12 11 14 13 and 15!!!!

Tell me i did bad, I dare you

According to my other trust friend Riley, I did bad? She said it goes "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15" Like really how bad at maths is she!?!?

(Humor purposes only)

What makes a quality story?

As you may or may not know I want to be a  author. So i'm trying to learn what makes a quality story? So here is what i have learnt:

You must set the scene! it's important to let your audience know where your character is.
Vocabulary (Word choice) Instead of saying "I went to the park" say what the park is named, how you got there! Who you went with!! Here is my example "On the weekend (11th of november) i went to caudlands park with my best friend Anahera, We went in her mother's car." That's more interesting right? Also make sure it is spelt right. AND GRAMMAR! Grammar is a definite yes to a perfect story! Imagine reading a story like this: "I went to park with weekendeds." Like seriously. Thinking about it, Have interesting sentence starters like "WOOSH, Through the night sky soared Mr. Ravioli" And also think about your audience, Are they going to like abriefiations, Humor, Romance what do they like?

Ok so i sort of left you on a cliff hanger i don't really know but yeah, I learned a whole bunch this year and I hope you have aswell, Bye!

Togan language week

Vahoi, Zahaad, Henare and I made a slide for tongan language week, We made it last term but still, Enjoy! It was a lot of hard work

Counting to 10.

Here we go...

2 4 3 5 1 7 8 6 9 10 here we go again.

I'm so good

(This is for humor purposes only)

The barrier activity.

This my barrier activity i did at the start of the year with Fabian. Enjoy my art... (I've improved)

The riddle

There is a  monkey, Giraffe and a bird. They are racing to the top of a banana tree to get the growing coconut. Who wins?

none, coconuts do nit grown on banana trees.


This is useless but here we go...


Did i do well?

Tree weaving reflection!

In 2 weeks my school is having a art exhibition. An outdoor one to be exact 😉 And i´m making a tree weave. It is really simple and i love it so far! the weaving is quite annoying though. because the wool keeps notting 😒😐 Oh well, and also im  not proud of my color choice. so next time im changing it (if there is a next time) Any who i'm am as proud as ever.

Random facts about sugar.

Recently we have been doing something called Food Technology. We were asked to chose a food/drink/spice to research on. Analise and I chose... SUGAR! The spice that makes all our favourite lollies. But what about it? Did you know....

White sugar is Processed. Brown sugar is raw,
Sugar is used for cooking, baking and art all over the world.
Sugar is grown on the leaves and steam of Sugarcane.
here is where i got a lot of info from. INFORMATION HERE