
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Twilight wish PT.2

Jupiter whispered too Dylan ``Dylan, We should run, Explore, Find a new tribe. Have peace." Dylan nodded and replied in a whisper ``I agree, these PEASANTS won't stopped cracking." they nodded at each other and slammed the door shut. ``Lets plan" Jupiter said in a flash way. Dylan nodded. After hours of planning the escape, Jupiter decided they tell their friends Flare Wishman and Jordan Ross. They both agree Dylan went, so he did. Dylan sprinted of to the Omega cage. It was such a coincidence both Flare & Jordan were there.  Dylan told them everything as Jupiter packs their stuff.  And off they go into the sun lit day...


Reflection for my art!

I am really enjoying this! I am really proud... but i want to change a few things. First i really want to make the title bigger. It is really small and I even forgot where it was for a bit. So next time I would make it bigger. Number 2. I think I would not use so much detail. And also the back i regret traceing my fingers across the writing but it is still easy to see.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Octopus vs Shark

Here is my art and writing of a video ¨Shark kills octopus¨ here it is! Please leave me a comment and some feedback☺

Sunday 20 August 2017

Octopus information.

The scientific name for a Octopus is quite strange. In fact it is quite crazy in my opion. It is called a Octopus (Oc-to-po-da.) There life span is very short compered to other fish,they can die at 3-5 years old. Octopus's come in 300 different species,these are some examples of different octopus's:

Blue-ringed Octopus      Dumbo                                      Octopus has different things to eat in the
Cirrian                            Normal Octopus                        ocean, but they only eat a few of them.
Argonaut                        Blanket                                      They eat small crabs,snails and fish!!!

Their are 3 ways to pronounce multiple octopi. 1. Octopuses 2. Octopoda 3. Octopi (My favorite)

Octopi are very smart! They can open jars of lids, camoflage and even kill! These intentelligent creatures are amazing!

Thanks too Rosie for helping me with this reserch click HERE

Area and perimeter

Recently we have been learning area and perimeter in my maths class. Here is the work i did too show you how I learnt it. Please leave me a comment and some feedback! 🙂

Friday 18 August 2017

This is my genius hour slide! I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback 😀😃😄

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Sleep Tight Pt.2 ~ Harlynn and Analise

Alisha opened the book studdering. She grabbed a writing quill and started spelling. Elanor was curious. She got out of bed and tried looking over her shoulder. Alisha SLAMMED the book closed, It snapped the quill into un-equal pieces. Alisha threw the book off her bed. She turned to see Elanor brushing her hair. Elanor thinks that Alisha is un-stable. The next morning Alisha was quiet... She hadn't said a thing since 6:34 A.M. It is now 8:21. Elanor Sebastion, Tom, Jassmire, Quinn and Elanor were shocked to see Alisha in such horror. Tom had enough and walk to her. He just had to snap "ALISHA! You have been like this all MORNING! Snap out of it already, tell us what is wrong!" 'SLOW YOUR ROLL TOM!" Exclaimed Sebastion. "But look at the state of this women!!!" Tom screeched. "M-m-man... Room... Message... Book..." Alisha mumbled staring off too space. "Help me find the man" Alishas eyes snapped closed as she teared up.

Thursday 10 August 2017

Sleep tight. PT.1

Alisha was in terror! She didn't know where it came from, She wanted to forget about it so she opened the book and began to read. But the next page that she was up to had a hidden message, The way she spotted it was by the torch she used to see. It said... Sleep tight? Alisha shook ``Why! What if i don't sleep! Will i die? Will i get kidnapped? Please what did I do!" Alisha felt her eyes water, She didn't wanna move. She was as still as a iguana eyeing down its feast. But insted of her feast... It was a monster... Or a man... What was it....

To be cotinued.

Pop - Up Library trip!

On the 8th of august 2017 at around 10 o'clock Room 12 (My classroom) went outside to the gates to enter the bus. My dad came! But he was late, like always. (Sorry dad) I remember my bestie Analises mum came! Also my bffls step dad came! A man called Joe Harawira sang us a waiata about numbers then told us 2 stories, The 2nd was my favourite. the 1st one was called ``Rata and the tree" and the 2nd was called ``Maui and the fire." The reason I do not like the the first one as much is because i heard it already so it wasn't as interesting. I really loved the whole trip though!

Art Exhibition

In a few weeks we are having an art exhibition, This is a slide I made. Hope you enjoy!

Basic Adventure Story.

This is my Adventure story!
I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.

Cross Country Paragraphs.

Cross Country

Cross country is in week 6. We have been training for it all term (2 weeks.) It is week 3 so we have 3 more weeks to train. For training we do relays, beep tests, but one of the more important parts of our training is working on our technique.

Our technique is very helpful when we run. We use capital L arms. That means our arms don’t cross our core ( Our body. ) We run smoothly, by that I mean we don’t stomp our feet because then all our energy goes into the ground. Another of the most important things we need is good pace. If I sprint at first we will slow down in a fast period of time which means I will slow down in the first lap. That isn’t good pace. A great pace is to have a steady pace or jog at first then near the end we can run (faster, or sprint) to end it. That is great pace!

All though training is tiring, I´m excited to run for cross country.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Fiction Story ~ Moonlight Shadows ~ Welcome to the characters

Winter - Ash... A typical teenage girl by the age of 17, She has two friends... The closet friends she will ever have in a life time. Their names are Tigher and Kamryn, But we will get into them later. Winter  - ash perfers to be called "Shadow" or "Winter". She is quite shy but loves music aswell as her besties. She plays ukulele in her spare time, Aswell as singing and writing stories! Oh and a little secret... She is a werewolf... SHHHH don't tell a speck! It is her biggest secret only Tigher and Kamryn know. Her favourite colour is Black but it isn't really a colour so she says her favourite is
maroon (A really dark red) 

Hmmm well that's done lets talk about... Let's see... The best friends or the vill- OOPS i didn't just... That's ok... Uhh lets talk about Tigher.

Tigher is a 16 and a half year old, a lovely girl she is! She always has a way to make us two laugh! She always turns peoples frowns upside down! She is not shy at all! She loves to sing, music runs in her family. She not only sings but can play the drums! Oh a little secret... Well maybe two actually. 1: she is a Neko (Neko = cat human) 2: She is the princess of Realers valley (The Neko Kingdom), Kamryn and Winter don't know... SHHHH dont tell them >:( 

 Now, Kamryn, Kamryn is like Winter basically, She is 17 aswell, She plays the keyboard/piano. She has a passion for singing! It is her big dream!!!

Thursday 3 August 2017

The Billionaires Curse Book Report

The billionaires curse is an awesome book. It is a long chapter fiction book. It based on 3 kids named: Sam Valentine (Older twin) Ruby Valentine (Younger twin) And the main character Gerald (Lastname not confirmed) It is about Geralds aunt Geraldine, She was recently MURDERED and before that she gave away her BILLIONS of dollars, Gerald inherited it all. Gerald is now on a journey with Sam and Ruby too find who murdered Geraldine and find the missing diamond!

Image result for the billionaire's curse pgn