
Thursday 28 September 2017

Maths - What i learnt this term.

Today is the last day of school!! I am so excited!  But before i just shut down to sleep mode i will tell you what i have learnt in these past 10 weeks.  First i remember doing mesurement. We learnt about 1 centimetre square and it says "Centi" because its french for 100. Also fractions, I did those recently 😆 The way i learnt was simple. Say i need 2/5 of 25. is 10. Why? Because 1/5 of 25 is 5 so 5 x 2 = 10! and answer solved!

Have a question for me! Be sure to comment it!!
Bye bye

Tuesday 26 September 2017

END OF TERM 3! + Art exhibition!

It's wednesday, 27th of september week 10! IT IS ALMOST END OF TERM 3!!!!!  I can't believe it! This term has flyed by fast! And tomorrow is the art exhibition??!?! Wow! And foor art exhivition I am performing twice!?! I can not believe this

Wednesday 20 September 2017

My secret life (The story of 3) Intro

Polar - Eclipse, Your typical 17 year old you would think. Welp, Not in this life. She is a secret youtuber... Her best friends, Paige and Erica have not yet found out. Polar is a succseful youtuber with everything she needs. But self confidence. She doesn't want to tell her friends because she thinks she will be un exepted.

Adam, A 14 year old boy with the best family ever! Only, If they weren't undercover. Adam is a spy as long with his sisters Paige and Lauren. Adam is the best trained out of all 3. But Adam does not want to be a spy. And definetly with his new mission.

Alexandra, A transgender  person, Bullied everyday for being a load. She lives in a labrotory and is a mad scientist. Currently she is stressing about a love potion.

See Part 1 on September 23

Sunday 17 September 2017

Toolkit labels!

We are learning to use out schools toolkit principils as lables. They are PARTICIPATE AND CONTRIBUTE, RELATE TO OTHERS, USE LANGUAGE, THINK and MANAGE MYSELF. SO say i was making a post of Te reo maori. I would put Use Language as a label. And if i made a post about friends. Guess what one 😂

Thursday 7 September 2017

Fractions fractions fractions!!!

This is a google drawing i have made. If you can not read this. Click HERE for a close up!

Wednesday 6 September 2017


3 x 0 = 0
The reason it is 0 is because it is saying 0 groups of 3

3 x 1 = 3
The reason is because it is saying one group of 3. Lets do harder!!!

3 x 9 = 27
How? Because 3 x 10 = 30 take away 3 from 30!

3 x 6 = 18
The reason is because 6 + 6 is 12 add 6 and it is 18!

I hope i helped you!!!
Leave me a comment!!!


If you like you can swat or not! Your choice ;D
Too easy? I will make another!